
8 Signs You Need Help Handling your Marketing and Automation

Think back to the early days that you started your business. Wide eyed and full of hope and optimism. Ok, maybe it wasn’t all that. Maybe it was some excitement, with a blend of trepidation. Regardless, I’m guessing the thing that inspired you to branch out and start your own business was not things like doing the accounting, filing paperwork, advertising and marketing your business. 

So, you start your business and it takes off. That’s great! But then you start feeling the awkward pains of keeping up and big questions start to creep in; How do I scale this thing?  How do I control growth? How do I keep track of what I’m selling and spending? How do I get more business in the door? That initial jolt of success gives you confidence to keep going, but it also pushes you towards becoming an expert in a whole lot more than what you initially signed on for. 

There comes a point in the lifecycle of a healthy business when the owner realizes the business could benefit from some professional help. Here are a few things to look out for that indicate it’s time to outsource your marketing and business automation:

  • When you hear the idea of automating your business you think, huh?
  • Your website was built somewhere around 2014 or you launched your website and haven’t touched it since.
  • You are still sending contracts, proposals and follow up messaging one at a time…copy and paste are king!
  • You would rather be doing your taxes than figuring out your next social media post. 
  • Your sales process is managed via post it notes on a dry erase board.
  • Your idea of marketing is an email every now and then to your entire list, or whenever you have time.
  • You have no idea how much website traffic you get.
  • You rarely survey your customers and make assumptions of what’s working, who they are, what they want, or why they love working with you.

If any of the above resonate with you, then it’s time to start thinking about getting help. We work with clients every day that struggle with these challenges and they are often times blown away by the tools that we bring into their businesses. So, is it time for you to start thinking about ways you can work smarter not harder? 

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