
From Fear to Freedom: Embracing the Power of Follow-Up as a Coach or Healer

Follow-up — it’s a phrase that can often trigger a mild sense of dread in many coaches and healers we work with. And for that reason, it’s something that’s woven into every part of our training. Why? Because it’s the secret sauce to success!

It’s common to worry about being perceived as pushy or intrusive. But what if we reframed the narrative? What if follow-up, instead of being a salesy tactic, could become an essential part of your communication, an avenue to deepen client relationships and add value to their lives? What if your future clients thank you for your amazing follow-up? It’s possible!

So, let’s talk about how to overcome the common challenges associated with follow-up, discover the value it can bring to your clients, and ultimately, help you expand your impact.

Reframing Follow-Up:

The first step is to change our perception of follow-up. It isn’t about pestering someone until they acquiesce; it’s about nurturing a connection, offering help and continued value, and showing continued interest in your client’s journey. It’s an opportunity to clarify doubts, provide additional resources, and exhibit your commitment to their growth.

Overcoming The Fear Of Being ‘Too Much’:

This fear is common among sensitive, intuitive people who work in fields like coaching and healing. But remember, your audience reached out to you because they’re interested in what you have to offer. By following up, you’re showing them that you genuinely care about their progress, and are the expert driving the conversation. Follow should be something you think of as part of your service to your future clients.

Embrace Frequent Communication:

It’s essential to understand that meaningful relationships are built on consistent communication. Be brave and take that step towards regular client interaction. Remember, you’re not disturbing them, you’re providing value and showing them that they’re important to you.The only way to ensure they don’t forget about you is to create memorable experiences and that only happens by engagement,. How you engage with both your clients AND your prospects.

Making The ‘Ask’:

Yes, this can be intimidating, but it’s an essential part of growth. Remember, your services offer transformation, healing, and progress. When you have clear packages/offerings you minimize half the struggle. We encourage our clients to practice. Practicing with your peers and trusted advisors will help take some of the fear away. Successful coaches and healers succeed by knowing they may be afraid and doing it anyway. The only way you will get better at asking for a sale is to have both successes and failures under your belt. 

The successes bring you confidence in your skills in sales. Your lost opportunities help you learn what to do better and give you a grounding perspective that it’s not the end of the world. Even a “No” can be a good thing. It’s a definitive answer and always better than not having an answer at all, which is exactly what you get when you don’t ask!


The path to becoming comfortable with follow-up is a journey of mindset shifts, embracing communication, and recognizing your value. It might feel daunting at first, but once you begin to see follow-up as a form of care, service, and connection, it becomes a lot less intimidating and a lot more rewarding. You are not ‘bothering’ your clients; you’re helping them on their journey to growth and transformation, and that is a truly wonderful thing.


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